Monday, January 28, 2013

Oops, I (Or Somebody) Did it Again: U.S. News?

Good update by Scott Jaschik, How Much Admission Misreporting?

January 28, 2013, Inside Higher Ed.

Well, ok, this is misreporting too, but Louis really would have known how to do it again,
and would have done it well, which is ok: listen
Do have a look at my 1/11/2013 post on this mysterious situation. I discussed therein Robert Morse, Czar of rankings research for U.S. News & World Report, and his ideas that misreporting, by Tulane University, George Washington University, Emory University, and Claremont McKenna College, is nothing to worry about and that "We have no reason to believe that other schools have misreported data."
In the IHE article, regarding, now, Bucknell's "coming forth" as to its own reporting sins, we learn that Robert Morse is not answering his emails. Probably doing research.